khashkhash price in pakistan (poppy seeds)

Type: Poppy Seeds

Quantity: 100 g

Form Factor: Whole

Variant: Raw

Organic: Yes

Nutrient Content: Protein, Fiber, Vitamins, and Essential Nutrition


khashkhash Seed is a term known for poppy seeds. Poppy seeds are also use to make bakery goods like bread, cookies, muffins, cakes, pastries, fillings, glazes, halwas porridge, and black-and-white toast. They can taken as tea or prepare into a paste and combine with warm milk for a good night’s rest. The khashkhash price in Pakistan (poppy seeds) is very reasonable on our website of gv food.

Moreover, Numerous baked dishes and pastries contain whole poppy seeds as a spice and adornment. A great source of dietary fiber is present in poppy seeds. The khashkhash powder is used to prevent colds or coughs. Poppy seeds are recognize for their cooling effect on the body, which aids in treating mouth ulcers. The khashkhash price in Pakistan (poppy seeds) is very affordable; you can easily buy them.

Benefits of Khashkhas

Bone Strength

Poppy seeds help strengthen bone health because they are high in calcium and copper. The manganese in the seeds assists in the synthesis of collagen protein, which shields the bones from serious harm.

Improves Digestion

Poppy seeds are a good source of insoluble fiber, which supports a healthy digestive tract and successfully combats constipation.

Here are poppy seeds benefits for skin  

The poppy seeds also make your skin bright and glowing while battling several skin conditions because they are loade with various nutrients.


Brand Golden View
Product Khashkhash
Form Flakes
Quality 100 % organic
Additives No
Quantity 100 g